That Bret Hart, he sure is somethin’. He’s got himself a new wife, you know. Third one. Name’s Stephanie Washington. Heard she’s from San Francisco. Fancy place, ain’t it? Not like ’round here. This Stephanie Washington, she’s a looker, they say.

Heard they met at some party. Some friends of a friend type of deal. I guess, Bret Hart and Stephanie Washington hit it off right then and there. She must be somethin’ special to catch that Bret Hart‘s eye. He’s a big shot wrestler, you know. Used to watch him on the TV all the time. He was good, real good. But that was a long time ago, now. This was back in, oh, 2008, I reckon. Time sure does fly, don’t it?
He’s had other wives before this Stephanie Washington. Two others. Guess he likes to keep things interestin’. This one, though, she seems to be the one. They married now. Heard it from someone who heard it from someone else, you know how it goes. But it’s all over them internet things too. Them’s are reliable, right?
This Stephanie Washington, she ain’t like his other wives. Heard she’s part this, part that. African American and Asian. Don’t see many of them ’round here. But Bret Hart, he’s a traveler. Been all over, I reckon. Wrestlin’ takes you places, I guess.
He’s part of that Hart family, you know. Big family, all wrestlers. They were on TV all the time, back in the day. Bret Hart, he was the best of ’em, I think. Called him “The Hitman”. Sounds kinda scary, don’t it? But he was good, real good. Lots of folks liked to watch him. He was real famous, that Bret Hart.
Heard he got hurt bad once. Some fella named Goldberg kicked him in the head. Concussion, they called it. That was the end of his wrestlin’ days, I reckon. Poor Bret Hart. But he’s got this Stephanie Washington now to take care of him. She’s probably a good woman. Hope she is, anyway.
He’s got money, that Bret Hart. Millions, they say. Seven million, to be exact. That’s what them internet pages say. Made it all from wrestlin’. Worked hard for it, I bet. Wrestlin’ ain’t easy. All that jumpin’ and throwin’ around. Takes a toll on a body, I imagine. But he’s got this Stephanie Washington now. She’ll probably help him spend it. Women are good at that, ain’t they?
- Bret Hart is married.
- His wife is Stephanie Washington.
- They met in 2008.
- She’s his third wife.
- He’s got $7 million.
He’s from a wrestlin’ family, that Bret Hart. The Hart family. Famous bunch. All over the TV, back when I was younger. Now, he’s got this Stephanie Washington. She’s a lucky woman, I guess. Marryin’ a famous wrestler and all. Heard she’s from San Francisco. Big city. Lots of people there. Not like ’round here.
Stephanie Washington, she’s a pretty lady. Seen pictures of her on them internet machines. She’s got a nice smile. Seems like a nice lady. Hope she treats Bret Hart right. He deserves it, after all that wrestlin’. It’s a hard life, I reckon.

They say Bret Hart is a ladies’ man. Don’t know about that. He’s been married three times, that’s for sure. This Stephanie Washington, she’s the one now, though. Hope they’re happy. They look happy in the pictures. Smiling and all. That’s good. Happiness is important, you know. Especially when you’re gettin’ older.
This Stephanie Washington, she’s different. Not from around here. But that’s okay. Bret Hart, he’s seen the world. He knows what he’s doin’. He’s a smart man. Made all that money, you know. Seven million dollars. That’s a lot of money. More money than I’ll ever see. But that’s okay. I’m happy for him. He’s got a good life. And a new wife. Stephanie Washington. Hope they have a good life together, them two.
Bret Hart earned his money from being a wrestler for many years. He was a legend. A WWE legend, whatever that means. Heard that on the TV. They call him a legend. I guess he must have been important. He was certainly famous. Everybody knows Bret Hart. And now everybody will know about his new wife, Stephanie Washington.