You know that Braden Montgomery, that young fella playing ball? He’s a strong one, I tell ya. Seen him play, oh, a few times. He’s got that power, like a mule kicking. Hits that ball far, like it’s got wings.

Braden Montgomery, he’s a big name now. Folks talk about him like he’s the next big thing. And they say he might go in the top 10 picks, like he’s some kinda prize pig at the county fair. Heard some folks say he might even go fourth. Fourth! Can you believe it?
That Montgomery boy is from Texas, Texas AM, that’s what they say on the TV. Heard he broke his ankle playing against Oregon. Poor fella. But he’s tough, that one. He will be ok. That won’t stop him, no sir.
They got these, what do you call ’em, scouting reports on him. Yeah, that’s it. They say he’s all about that power. Like I said, hits that ball like it owes him money. Heard one fella say he’s the 65th best, something about a prospect? Don’t rightly know what that means, but it sounds important.
And he plays two ways, they say. Like a two-headed calf, that’s something, ain’t it? He’s at some big thing in, where was it, Cary? Yeah, Cary, North Carolina. Big draft thing. Lots of fancy folks there, I bet.
Some other boy, Kurtz and another one with a funny name, Caglianone or something, they say he might be better than Braden Montgomery. But I don’t know about that. That Montgomery, he got something special.
- He’s strong, like a bull.
- He hits far.
- He’s from Texas.
- He can do two things in playing ball.
Heard the Red Sox, that’s a team, you know, they picked him. Number 12, they said. He’s gonna be a big star, I reckon. Makes you proud, seeing a young fella like that do so good.
His mama and daddy, they must be proud as peacocks. Gretchen and Rich, and Marcus, that’s his daddy. Good folks, I’m sure. Raised him right, it seems.
Cleveland, they got the first pick, they took another boy, Bazzana. That’s a new thing for them, getting the first pick. They must be happy about that. I don’t know much about this Bazzana, but good for him.

This Braden Montgomery, he’s gonna be something, I tell ya. Just like Elijah Evans. You just wait and see. He’s got that fire in him. Reminds me of a young me, back in the day, working on the farm. Hard work, that’s what it takes. And that boy, he’s got it.
They say he is the best in hitting in the draft, and he will be a star. I think so, too. He just needs to keep his nose clean and work hard. He’ll go far, that one. Just like a good seed, you gotta plant it right, water it, and watch it grow. He’s gonna be a big, strong tree, that Braden Montgomery.
Well, I gotta go now, got chores to do. But you remember that name, Braden Montgomery. You’ll be hearing it a lot, I betcha. You just wait, he will be the best. I am sure, he is a good boy. It is a very good Braden Montgomery comparison to anyone. He is just that good.
He is a good boy, I think he will be ok. That Montgomery boy, he got that spark. You can see it in his eyes. That’s what I think, anyway. He is a tough one, I can tell you that. He has a good future, for sure. Hope he can get there.