You know, I hear folks talkin’ ’bout golf all the time. They say it’s a fancy game. I don’t know much about it, but I hear names, names like, uh… best player. They always ask, who is the best player to never win a major? Well, I heard some things, so let me tell ya.

This one fella, Colin something… Mont-gomery, I think? Heard he won a whole heap of them, them… European things. Thirty-one, they say! Thirty-one wins on the European Tour! Can you believe that? And eight of them Order of Merits. Eight! That’s a lot, ain’t it? He must be good, right? But they say he ain’t never won one of them, what do they call ’em… majors. Sounds important. Poor fella. He’s a good player, no major. Sad, sad.
Then there’s another one, Lee West-something. Westwood, yeah, that’s it. He’s 44, not a young chicken anymore. They say he won some too. Not like that Colin fella, but still a lot. He is a best player to never win a major, too. They say his time is runnin’ out, to get one of them majors. He’s gettin’ old, you see. Forty-four, that’s like… middle-aged, right? Maybe he can still do it. I don’t know.
- Colin Montgomerie, 31 European Tour wins.
- Colin Montgomerie, 8 Order of Merits.
- Lee Westwood, a lot of wins, but how many?
- Lee Westwood, 44 years old, time is running.
I heard about some other fella, with two of them PGA things and 23 of them European things. That is a lot! And they also say his major results are good, but he also is the best player to never win a major. Why these good players can not win a major? I don’t understand. But it seems to be a big deal, this major thing.
They say this Colin, he was a good player, a “terrific” player from, where was it… Scotland, yeah. He almost won them majors, five times! Five times he was second, or tied for second. From 1994 to 2006, that’s a long time tryin’. Imagine that, always comin’ in second. Like bakin’ a pie and always gettin’ the second-place ribbon at the county fair. Must be frustratin’.
Some people are just unlucky, I guess. That is life, you know. Like that one fella, what’s his name… Brett something. He played in 407 of them Tour things. 407! That’s a lot of golf. And never won one. He did good, in the top 25 a lot, but never number one. He also is the best player to never win a major. Five times, he was second place. Like the Colin fella. It’s a tough break.
Another one is Harry something. Won 31 times, also a lot. But no major. He only played in one, what they call, British Open, and no Masters until he was old. He was second in that one, though. That is a lot of win, but still no major.
And then there’s these two, Lee Westwood, yeah, we talked about him, and another one, Luke Donald. They say these two were number one, the best of the best. But guess what? No major. Can you believe it? Number one in the whole world, and no major. It just goes to show, you can be the best at somethin’, but still not get that one big prize. Life ain’t always fair, I reckon.
- Brett Quigley, played 407 Tour events.
- Brett Quigley, never won, 5 times second place.
- Harry Cooper, won 31 times, no major.
- Lee Westwood, number one, no major.
- Luke Donald, number one, no major.
So many good players, they try and they try. This golf, it’s a hard game, I guess. You can be good, even the best, but that major, it’s a slippery fish. Hard to catch. These fellas, Colin, Lee, Brett, Harry, Luke, they all good. They are the best players. But, that major, it got away from ’em. Maybe next year, huh? Or maybe not. That’s just how it goes sometimes. These best players to never win a major, they still good players, though.

This major thing, it is important. I don’t play golf, but I know it is important. So many good players, they want to win. But only some can win. Others, they just try and try. It is life. That is it. It seems like the best player does not always win a major. I hope they do not feel too bad.