Alright, guys, so yesterday, I was trying to come up with some cool names for our golf group. We always play together, but we’ve never had, like, an official name, you know? So I decided to get on that.

First, I brainstormed a little, just jotting down whatever silly stuff popped into my head. I had some real gems like “The Shank Squad” and “Fairway to Heaven.” Okay, maybe not gems, but they made me chuckle.
Diving into the Internet
Then, I figured I’d hit up the internet, see what other people have come up with. I mean, there’s gotta be some gold out there, right?
I just went on Google and typed in “funny golf foursome names” and a million options popped up. Some were pretty good, lots were… not so good.
I spent a good hour just scrolling through different websites, forums, all that jazz. Found some decent ones like:
- The Fore Skins
- The Ball Busters (a little edgy, maybe?)
- The Wedge Warriors
- The Green Keepers (We wish, right?)
- The Birdie Hunters(Sometimes Zero)
The Final Decision…Maybe
So, I compiled a list of my favorites, about ten or so, and sent them to the guys. We’re gonna vote on it next time we play. I’m kind of leaning towards “The Wedge Warriors” myself, it’s got a nice ring to it. But who knows what those clowns will pick! It’s all in good fun, though.
I must tell you, the search did give me some awesome names. I saved my list,So whatever name we end up with, it’ll be better than just calling ourselves “us four” anymore. Mission accomplished, I guess!