That Becky Linch, she’s somethin’ else, ain’t she? I heard she done had a baby. A little one named Roux. Imagine that! She used to be throwin’ folks around in that there wrestlin’ ring, and now she’s a mama. Time sure does fly, don’t it?

She was with that Seth Rollins fella. He’s a wrestler too, I reckon. They seem happy, those two. Good for them, I say. Having a baby is a big deal. Changes your whole life, it does.
I remember when my own young’uns were little. My back still aches just thinkin’ about it. Lots of work, but worth every bit of it.
Becky Lynch, that’s her name. I saw it on the TV. She was a big shot in that WWE. I saw her, she was the NXT Women’s Champion or somethin’. Strong as an ox, that one. Now she’s got a different kind of strong goin’ on, bein’ a mama. It ain’t easy, that’s for sure.
They say she took some time off, you know, for the baby. Makes sense. Gotta take care of those little ones when they come along. Roux, they named her. It’s a different name. But hey, to each their own. I heard Becky Lynch say, the baby is born in December, 2020.
That Seth Rollins, he seems excited, too. I saw somethin’ where he was talkin’ about it. Bein’ a daddy, that’s a big job. He’ll learn. We all do, one way or another.
- Becky Lynch, she was a big deal in that wrestling.
- She and Seth Rollins had a baby.
- They named her Roux.
- They say Becky might have another baby.
- But they are both busy workin’ folks.
Now, they say she might have another one. Another baby, I mean. More power to her, I say. But she says it’s hard, you know, with them both bein’ so busy. Wrestlin’ and all that. It takes a lot out of you, I imagine.
I reckon Becky Lynch ain’t in a hurry to go back to the WWE. Her contract expired. Maybe she’s done with it, maybe she ain’t. Only she knows that. Bein’ a mama is a full-time job, that’s for sure.
But you know, she was a Women’s Grand Slam Champion. That’s what they called her. Must be somethin’ special. She achieved a lot in WWE. I guess she was good at that wrestlin’ stuff.

It’s a whole different world, ain’t it? That wrestlin’ business. But hey, she seems to be doin’ alright for herself. Got a baby, got a fella, had a good run in that WWE. What more could a girl ask for?
I reckon Becky Lynch is happy. That’s all that matters, ain’t it? Being happy with your life. And that little Roux, she’s probably the apple of their eye. Babies are like that. They just steal your heart.
It’s a tough world out there, but havin’ a family makes it a little bit better. That’s what I always say. And Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins, they got themselves a little family now. Good for them.
So, yeah, that Becky Lynch. She’s a mama now. Time sure does fly. One minute you’re throwin’ folks around in a ring, the next you’re changin’ diapers. Life’s funny like that.
I hope they do well, those two. It ain’t easy raisin’ a child, but it’s the best thing in the world. And that little Roux, she’s got two parents who seem to love her very much. That’s a good start. That’s the most important thing for Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins.