Okay, so today I decided to mess around in ARAM with a build I’ve been calling “Bad Medicine.” The whole idea is to be as annoying as possible with poke and slows, making the enemy team miserable. I’m not saying it’s good, but it’s definitely fun (for me, at least).

Game Start – The Pick
First thing’s first, you gotta get a champion that can actually use this build. I went with Ashe because, well, her W (Volley) is perfect for this. Plus, her passive slow just adds insult to injury. Other options could probably work, like maybe Varus or even Miss Fortune, but Ashe felt right today.
Early Game – Building the Annoyance
Alright, so I start, boots. Always, then I started buying item parts for Liandry’s Anguish. My goal: just poke and slow. The burn from Liandry’s, combined with Ashe’s already, just seemed cruel. I focused on hitting those W volleys, staying back, and generally being a nuisance. I didn’t even try to get kills, just wear them down.
- Phase 1: poke and slow.
- Phase 2: Completed Liandry’s Anguish.
Mid Game – Rylai’s and the Tears
After Liandry’s, I rushed Rylai’s Crystal Scepter. The goal is poke with continuous damage. Every ability now applied a slow and the burn. It felt pretty evil. I could see the enemy team getting frustrated, trying to engage but just getting kited and melted slowly. I even started building towards a Manamune, cause, you know, gotta keep spamming those abilities.I buy a Tear of the Goddess first. I’m going to need that mana.
Late Game – Maximum Tilt
By late game, I had Manamune (which evolved to Muramana), Rylai’s, and Liandry’s. I was thinking about adding a Black Cleaver, just to shred their armor and make the burn even worse, or maybe even a Serpent’s Fang if they had a lot of shields. But honestly, the core of the build was already doing its job. Every volley was a chunk of their health, every auto-attack a frustrating slow. I don’t think I topped the damage charts, but I’m pretty sure I topped the “annoyance” charts.
The Result
We won, but I’m not gonna pretend it was solely because of me. My team played well, and we had a good comp. But I definitely contributed to the enemy team’s tilt. Watching them try to chase me down, only to get slowed and burned into oblivion, was pretty satisfying. Is this a build I’d recommend for ranked? Absolutely not. But for a fun, troll-y ARAM game? It’s “Bad Medicine,” baby.