Well, you know, these fellas, the Atlanta Braves and the New York Mets, they been at it again. Playing their little game, throwing balls and hitting ’em with sticks. Saw ’em on the TV the other day. Lots of running around. Seems folks like to keep track of who’s doing what.

Heard they call it “player stats.” Don’t know much about it myself, but they say it matters who hits the ball furthest and runs the fastest. Sounds like a lot of fuss over nothing if you ask me. Back in my day, we just played, didn’t keep track of all these numbers. But times change, I guess.
Now, they got these fellas on the TV saying who’s gonna win, who’s gonna lose. Making a big deal out of it. Putting numbers up on the screen, talking about “win-loss” and whatnot. Sounds fancy, but I reckon it’s just about who plays better on that day. Like bakin’ a cake, sometimes it turns out good, sometimes it don’t.
- Heard they played on September 30th. That’s right before the leaves started changin’ color.
- Some fellas on ESPN2 were talkin’ about it, sayin’ the Braves were the favorites. Don’t rightly know what that means, but they seemed sure.
These Mets, they got some fellas who can hit that ball hard, I hear. And the Braves, they got their own fellas who can run fast. Keeps things interesting, I suppose. Kinda like watchin’ chickens fight in the yard. You never know who’s gonna come out on top.
They say the park they played in, it’s good for hittin’ the ball to the right. What they mean by that, I don’t know. But if they say so, must be somethin’ to it. Like how my garden’s better for growin’ tomatoes than cucumbers. Some places are just suited for certain things.
These teams, they been at each other for a long time, I hear. Folks call it a “rivalry.” Kinda like how the Johnsons and the Millers always try to outdo each other with their gardens. People like a bit of competition, keeps things lively.
Now, they put all these numbers up, sayin’ who’s better at this and that. But in the end, it’s just a game. Just fellas runnin’ around tryin’ to hit a ball. Like we did when we were kids, except we didn’t have all them numbers and fancy talk. Just played for the fun of it.
Heard they even got ways to watch these games on the computer now. Imagine that! Watchin’ fellas play ball on a little box. Don’t know how it works, but they say you don’t need a cable. Just click a button and there they are. Times sure are changin’.
So, who won, you ask? Well, I reckon it depends on who you ask. Some folks will say the Braves, some will say the Mets. In the end, it don’t really matter much. They played their game, folks watched, and life goes on. Like the sun risin’ and settin’, it’s all just part of the show.

Tags: Atlanta Braves, New York Mets, MLB, Player Stats, Matchup