Alright, so, let’s talk about this Aroldis Chapman fella. Heard he’s gonna be pitchin’ for the Red Sox now. One-year deal, they say, for a whole bunch of money. Ten million and somethin’, that’s what I heard. That’s a lot of chicken feed, let me tell ya.

Now, I don’t know much about baseball, but I know money when I hear it. And this fella, Chapman, he must be pretty darn good if they’re payin’ him all that. They say he throws the ball real fast, like a rocket, they say. Faster than my grandson Billy runnin’ after the ice cream truck, that’s for sure.
But here’s the thing, they also say he got into some trouble a while back. Something about guns and, you know, bein’ mean to his lady. I ain’t one for gossip, but it’s all over the place. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Can a fella who does that kind of stuff really be a good teammate? Can you really trust him? I don’t know. Seems like a gamble to me.
- He throws fast, real fast.
- He got paid a whole lotta money.
- He had some trouble with the law, somethin’ about his girlfriend.
Folks are sayin’ the Red Sox need help with their bullpen, that’s where the pitchers hang out waitin’ to play, I think. They say they need someone who can throw hard, someone who can scare the other fellas when they come up to bat. And I guess Chapman, he fits the bill. He’s got that fastball, like I said, and he’s got that reputation, too. Maybe that’s what they want. Maybe they think he can scare folks into missin’ the ball. Don’t seem right, but what do I know?
But then again, you gotta think about the other stuff, you know? The trouble he got into. It ain’t right to be hittin’ on your girl, or shootin’ guns where you ain’t supposed to. Makes me wonder if they thought this through. I mean, are they just lookin’ at how fast he throws the ball, or are they lookin’ at the whole picture?
They suspended him for a while, I heard. Thirty games, that’s what they said. Seems like a slap on the wrist to me, but what do I know? They do things different in the big city. Out here, if you get caught doin’ something wrong, you gotta face the music. You gotta answer for your actions. Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. I ain’t the judge.
Red Sox made a big signing, that’s what they sayin’ on the TV. They think this is gonna make ’em better, gonna help ’em win more games. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t. Baseball is a funny game, you never know what’s gonna happen. One day you’re on top, the next day you’re scrapin’ the bottom. That’s life, I guess. Just gotta keep on keepin’ on, right?
I’m just hopin’ this Chapman fella, he’s learned his lesson. Hopinin’ he’s gonna be a good teammate, a good fella for the Red Sox. Hopinin’ he’s gonna leave that trouble in the past and focus on throwin’ that ball real fast. That’s what they’re payin’ him for, after all.
And if he don’t behave himself, well, then the Red Sox, they just wasted a whole lotta money. And that ain’t right, neither. You gotta be smart with your money, you gotta make good choices. That’s what my mama always told me, and it’s true. Whether you’re buyin’ groceries or signin’ baseball players, you gotta think things through. You gotta make sure you’re doin’ the right thing.

So, we’ll see what happens. We’ll see if this Chapman fella can help the Red Sox win. We’ll see if he can stay out of trouble. We’ll see if he’s worth all that money they’re payin’ him. Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure, it’s gonna be interesting. That’s for sure.
He used to play for the Yankees too, I heard. Now he’s playin’ for the Red Sox. That’s like switchin’ from Coke to Pepsi, ain’t it? Or maybe it’s like switchin’ from Ford to Chevy. People get real worked up about that stuff. Me, I don’t care much. Just hope he pitches good and stays outta trouble, that’s all.
And that number 44 on his back, well, that don’t mean nothin’ to me. Numbers are just numbers. It’s the pitchin’ that counts, ain’t it? It’s whether he can get them fellas out. That’s what matters. So, let’s see what he’s got. Let’s see if he can live up to all the hype. Let’s see if he can be a good addition to the Red Sox. That’s all there is to it, really.
Tags: [Aroldis Chapman, Red Sox, MLB, Boston, Pitcher, Bullpen, Baseball, Controversy, Suspension, Signing, Contract]