That AJ Styles, he’s a wrestler, you know? A real good one, they say. He’s been in that Wrestlemania thing a bunch of times. I heard some folks talking ’bout his record there. Makes me think, that boy’s been around the block a few times. Wrestlemania, that’s the big one, ain’t it? Like the county fair, but with more muscles and spangles.

So, this AJ Styles Wrestlemania record, what’s the deal with it? He win ’em all? Lose ’em all? I heard he lost to someone called Killings once. That sounds like a bad man if I ever heard one. And some fella named Jarrett, he hit AJ with a guitar! Can you believe that? Back in my day, we settled things with a good, stern look. None of this guitar-smashin’ business.
They say this AJ, he’s gonna be in the Hall of Fame. That’s like when they put your picture up at the post office for bein’ the oldest person in town, I reckon. He must be somethin’ special, then. Wrestled for TNA and WWE, they call ’em. Sounds like a bowl of alphabet soup to me. All them letters and numbers, they just swim around in my head. They also have this man called Triple H, who has 10 wins, 14 losses. This Triple H doesn’t sound too good to me.
I seen some numbers about how often he wins. One place says he wins 9 out of somethin’ called 1PW. Whatever that is. Then he wins all the time in somethin’ called 2CW, whatever that is. Then there’s a 3PW, and he only wins 3 out of 10. And then a 5 Star, he only wins 1 out of 3. Lots of numbers, like counting chickens before they hatch. It’s all a bit much for my old brain.
- Wins a lot sometimes.
- Loses a lot sometimes.
- Hit with a guitar!
- Hall of Fame, that’s a big deal, I guess.
This wrestlin’ stuff, it’s a whole different world. All that jumpin’ around and yellin’. Reminds me of my grandson when he don’t get his dessert. But this AJ Styles, he seems to be good at it. Makes a livin’ out of it, I suppose. Better than sloppin’ hogs, that’s for sure.
AJ Styles Wrestlemania, it’s a big deal in that world, I gather. Like our pie contest at the church social. Everyone wants to win, but only one can take home the blue ribbon. And this AJ, he’s got a few ribbons, I reckon. Maybe not all blue, but still. He’s in the game, ain’t he?
I don’t know all the ins and outs of it. Who’s fightin’ who, who’s wearin’ what sparkly outfit. But I know AJ Styles is a name I hear a lot. Must be doin’ somethin’ right. Or somethin’ loud, at least. All that hollerin’ and carryin’ on. It’s a sight, I tell ya.
This Wrestlemania record thing, it’s like keepin’ track of how many jars of jam you put up each summer. Some years are better than others. You get a good crop of peaches, you make a lot of jam. Some years, the bugs get ’em, and you don’t make as much. Same with wrestlin’, I suppose. Some years you win, some years you lose.
And that Hall of Fame thing, that’s like gettin’ your name in the paper. Everyone sees it and says, “Well, ain’t that somethin’.” This AJ Styles, he’s got his name in the paper, I guess you could say. He’s made a name for himself. Good for him. That Triple H fella, not so much.

So, there you have it. That’s all I know about that AJ Styles Wrestlemania record. It’s a lot of fuss over somethin’ I don’t fully understand. But hey, different strokes for different folks, as they say. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I got a pie that needs bakin’. And it ain’t gonna be losing to no Killings, that is for sure.