Alright, so the other day, I was just flipping through some sports stuff, you know, seeing what’s happening with the Cowboys, and Jerry Jones pops up again. Like always. And it hit me, just outta the blue – man, how old is Jerry Jones anyway? Seems like he’s been around forever, right?

So, naturally, I grabbed my phone. Didn’t even get up. Just unlocked it and opened up the browser. Took me a second, the Wi-Fi was being a bit slow.
Typed in the obvious thing: “how old is jerry jones”. Simple enough. Hit search.
Digging Up the Number
Took like half a second, and boom, there it was. Bunch of results, pictures of him looking intense on the sidelines, the usual stuff. Right at the top, the answer was pretty clear.
It showed his birthdate: October 13, 1942. Did a quick bit of math in my head… yeah, that puts him well up there. We’re talking early 80s.
Honestly, wasn’t super shocked, but it still makes you think. This guy bought the Cowboys back in ’89. Nineteen eighty-nine! That feels like a lifetime ago. I remember when that happened, big news even back then. Seems like some things just don’t change much, huh? Same owner, same big personality running the show over there in Dallas all these years.
You gotta hand it to him, though. To still be that involved, day in and day out, at that age… it’s something else. Most folks are kicking back, taking it easy. Not Jerry. He’s still right in the thick of it. Love him or hate him, the guy’s definitely left his mark.