Okay, so I wanted to try out this “Wrath from Afar” thing in Elden Ring. I’d seen some videos, and it looked pretty cool, you know? Like, sending out these golden shockwaves from a distance – seemed like a good way to cheese some enemies, maybe even some bosses if I got good at it.

First, I had to actually get the thing. It’s an Ash of War, so I knew it wasn’t tied to a specific weapon. I looked it up, and it turned out it was in some ruins around the Altus Plateau. No biggie. I mean, I’d been through Altus, dodged those giant lightning bolts, you know the deal.
Finding the Location
So I teleported to a nearby Site of Grace and made my way to the location, it was called “Woodfolk Ruins”. It was easy to spot, since it was a huge, ruined place.
I found a Scarab inside Woodfolk Ruins that’s being protected by a few Lesser Kindred of Rot. I quickly dispatched them, and went for the Scarab.
Applying Wrath of Gold
Now, to actually use it. I went to a Site of Grace, because I had to put it on a weapon. It turns out, you can put “Wrath from Afar” on pretty much any small or medium-sized melee weapon – not greatswords or anything huge, which makes sense. I picked a basic longsword, since I wasn’t sure what I wanted to commit to yet.
I applied the Ash of War, messed with the scaling a bit (went with Sacred, because I’m running a Faith build), and then… time to test it out.
Testing the Skill
I went outside, found some of those weak soldier dudes, and gave it a shot. It’s not as simple as just pressing a button! You have to hold the skill button (L2 on PlayStation, I think) to charge it up. The longer you hold it, the bigger and stronger the golden wave is.
- First try: I tapped the button. Nothing happened. Felt dumb.
- Second try: Held it for, like, half a second. A tiny little wave popped out. Tickled the soldier. He didn’t even flinch.
- Third try: Held it for a good couple of seconds. Boom. Sent the soldier flying. Okay, now we’re talking!
I spent a while practicing the timing. It’s all about finding that sweet spot – charging it enough to do some real damage, but not so long that you get smacked in the face by whatever you’re trying to hit. You gotta anticipate the enemy’s movements, lead your shots a little, like you’re throwing a really slow, really shiny grenade.
Effectiveness of the Skill
After messing around with those soldiers, I tried it on some tougher enemies. It’s surprisingly good for crowd control! If you get a bunch of those annoying dog things grouped up, a fully charged “Wrath from Afar” can wipe them out in one go.

Against stronger enemies, it’s more about staggering them, breaking their poise, and maybe creating an opening for a bigger attack.
I am testing against bosses, because they are powerful. But I need to find the right timing and the right weapon to maximize the damage.
So, yeah, that’s my “Wrath from Afar” experience so far. It’s a fun skill, definitely adds some spice to my combat options. Still gotta master it, but hey, that’s Elden Ring for you, right?